“Her White Suns Orbit…” Kelly Cheuk Ka Lee; Trista Ma Ka Yue; Mubarak Marafa A robotic sculptural installation that spatially visualizes the topography of a journey through measured changes in location and altitude |
《她的白日軌跡》 卓嘉莉、馬嘉裕、Mubarak Marafa 機械雕刻裝置,通過地點與高度的變更,以空間描畫旅程的地誌 |
"You Are Watching The View Adrian Chan Ka Chi; Kelvin Lam Kin Choi; Willy Poon Wai Lam
Motorized display system projecting |
《你正看著與我不同的風景》 陳家智 、林建才、潘韋霖 機動顯示系統,利用溫度影響光線折射,形成視像幻象 |
"Shadow Donation" Alan Kwan Tsz Wai;
Stephanie Mak Ying Tung A light installation that causes the shadows of a native California tree to be cast from a native Hong Kong tree |
《影子捐獻》 關子維、麥影彤 光線裝置,使香港原生的樹木,能投出加州原生樹木的影子 |
"De-clamation" Step Au Wing Yan A video and sound installation that relocated the sounds of the West Kowloon waterfront to Soda Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert, triggered by pressure sensors |
《釋海》 區詠欣 視像與音響裝置,將西九海旁的聲音帶到莫哈韋沙漠的蘇打湖(Soda Lake),聲音由壓力感應器觸發 |
"When A Circle Meets The Sky" Carla Chan Ho Choi
Video installation created by a l |
《當圓形遇上天空》 陳好彩
視像裝置,由特定地點的風向標獲取資料,由風速與風向決定內容 |
"Painting By Wind" Charis Pang Wai Yue
Robotic painting system driven |
《風之色相》 彭慧瑜
機械繪畫系統,由風向及風速操控 |
"Un/Predictable Paths" Amy Kong Yuk Chi
Multidirectional path capture |
《不/可測的路途》 江玉智
多方向路徑捕捉 |
"SlowMap: Following the Desert Tortoise" Janice Zhang Yixuan, Hanton Yang Xiantao
Data visualization of the movement and declining population of the endangered desert tortoise due to invasive natural |
《緩速地圖:跟隨沙漠龜的腳步》 張軼軒、楊顯濤
數據視像化作品,紀錄受保護沙漠龜的行動,與其因自然及人為影響而日漸減少的數量 |
"Spectral Transformation" Verena Henn
Single-channel sound and video installation based on sand movement |
《聲譜的轉變》 Verena Henn
單頻道聲音與視像裝置,根據科爾索「鳴沙」沙丘的移動與震動而創作 |