Title: De-clamation



Artist:  Step Au Wing Yan   藝術家: 區詠欣

Description:  A video and sound installation that relocated the sounds of the West Kowloon waterfront to Soda Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert, triggered by pressure sensors.   描述: 視像與音響裝置,將西九海旁的聲音帶到莫哈韋沙漠的蘇打湖(Soda Lake),聲音由壓力感應器觸發。
Technologies:  Vibration sensors, microphones, video    採納技術: 震動感應器,麥克風,視像
Much of the harbour shoreline of Hong Kong is reclaimed, and walking along West Kowloon one is suspended above water by earth moved and displaced.  This artwork compares this with the dry lakes and streams of the desert where also a thin layer of earth conceals a flow of water below. This inversion of expected sound—hearing West Kowloon in such a remote site—forces the viewer to metaphorically tie land use in one of the most populated places on the planet with one of the most remote.      維多利亞港大部分海岸線都由填海所得,沿西九海旁前進,實即在被移動及轉移至海面的泥土上走動。本作品將此概念與沙漠的溪流與乾鹽湖比較,後兩者亦是薄薄的一層泥土覆蓋著流水。將期望的聲音倒轉──在偏遠的地點聽到西九的聲音──迫使觀賞者將世界上人口最稠密的地方與最荒僻的地方連在一起,形成土地使用上的隱喻。
As the performer walks across vibration sensors hidden in cracked mud of the desert dry lake, it triggers the sounds from the waterfront in West Kowloon.   表演者走過隱藏在沙漠乾鹽湖龜裂泥土內震動感應器,觸發由西九而來的聲音。
Artist Statement:
“During this trip, we lived in a research centre that was near a huge dry lake.  This site was inspirational for me and I enjoyed constructing the sound walk for people walking on that crispy white surface.  As they walked, the sound of the sea flow from Hong Kong was generated on a dry lake in California; the two spaces are sonically merged together poetically.”  Step Au Wing Yan



Thank yous:


鳴謝: Kelvin|performer