Media Art and the Environment is a new course in the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong that brings together environmental sciences and contemporary media art. The course explores how emerging technologies can collect data about nature and how that data can be used in new forms of creativity and visualization.
《媒體藝術與環境》是由香港城市大學創意媒體學院新開辦的課程,結合環境科學與當代媒體藝術,旨在探索如何利用科技蒐集有關自然的資訊,並如何將蒐集到的資料應用於創意及視界上的新形式。 |
In March 2012, 15 of the brightest students from SCM travelled to California to meet with scientists at the top laboratories at UCLA and then onward to the extreme environment of the Mojave Desert to ‘read’ the nature there using computational sensing technologies. The images, statistics and datasets collected by the students were transformed into nine artworks that reveal how the creative arts can contribute to the global conversation about climate change and sustainability.
2012年3月,15位來自創意媒體學院的同學遠赴美國加州,與加州大學洛杉磯分校頂尖實驗室的科學家交流,其後前往氣候極端的莫哈韋沙漠,利用電腦傳感設備「閱讀」該地自然景觀。同學所蒐集的影像、統計資料及數據,轉化成9組藝術品,展示創意藝術如何對全球關於氣候轉變及可持續發展的討論作出貢獻。 |
The project strongly supports key CityU initiatives: developing a discovery-enriched curriculum, fostering interdisciplinary Art and Science collaborations, and making international contacts and experiences for our students. This course is a prototype for creating more immersive educational experiences and teaching fieldwork as a form of discovery. Instead of research performed in a library or online, students become the front line in finding the data needed for their artworks by trekking to remote, difficult sites with the same sensors and computational tools used by environmental scientists. Nature is no longer just the inspiration; it is a participant in the artistic process.
本計劃與城市大學的願景不謀而合:開發富啟導性的課程,促進藝術與科學跨學科協作,為學生帶來國際性的接觸及體驗。本課程具模範意義,能創造更多身體力行的教育體驗,及利用實地教學作為發掘知識的途徑。學生不會在網上或圖書館內蒐集資料,而是毅行至偏遠而艱險的地域,走到環境科學家工作的最前線,以他們的計算工具與探測儀器獲取資料。自然不再只是靈感的泉源,而是藝術過程中的參與者。 |