Title: “Her White Suns Orbit…”  


Artists:  Kelly Cheuk Ka Lee;  Trista Ma Ka Yue;  Mubarak Marafa   藝術家:  卓嘉莉、馬嘉裕、Mubarak Marafa
Description:   A robotic sculptural installation that spatially visualizes the topography of a journey through measured changes in location and altitude   描述: 機械雕刻裝置,通過地點與高度的變更,以空間描畫旅程的地誌。
Technologies:  GPS, barometric sensors, miniature video cameras, servo motor, rotation platform, helium-filled balloons, programming   採納技術:全球定位系統(GPS) 、氣壓測量儀器、小型攝影機、伺服馬達、運轉平台、氦氣球、電腦程式
For centuries, mapping has battled the flat properties of paper and now screen media, always resulting in a pale imitation of the true journey.  This artwork reveals a new type of mapping—interactive, dramatic and truer to the original landscape.  In addition, the artists included aerial cinematography above the journey--a camera buffeted by winds--to add another layer of meaning and reality to their mediated journey.     多個世紀以來,地圖製作一直爭取脫離紙張與現代屏幕媒介的平面侷限;平面的展示令真正的旅程失真。本作品展示一種全新的地圖製作方式:互動而戲劇性,較忠實於原本的地形。另外,藝術家亦將旅程中拍下的鳥瞰照片(利用隨風漂浮的相機拍攝)融入作品內,為旅程增添另一層意義與現實。
Using a barometric sensor to measure altitude changes and a hacked hiking software to capture GPS data to reveal the path, the project also included miniature cameras tethered to balloons above the artists.  The walk itself was designed as a performance including costume and choreography. The final kinetic sculpture poetically transforms the pre-recorded path into the shape of a circle.   利用氣壓測量儀器,量度高度變化,並以篡改過的登山軟件記錄GPS資料,展示路徑;同時以氣球將小型相機懸浮在藝術家上空。行程本身亦設計為一項融合服裝與舞蹈的表演。最終的動態雕塑將事先記錄的路徑有詩意地轉化成圓圈的形狀。
Artist Statement:
"Maps can let us know the topology of a certain landscape but we can never truly understand the true physicality of the land until we experience it first hand. This work, like the desert itself, holds many layers.  Underneath the poetic movements and physicality of the sculpture is a layer of scientific information about the shape of the dunes where the performance was done." Kelly Cheuk Ka Lee, Trista Ma Ka Yue, Mubarak Marafa


「地圖讓我們認識特定地形的地誌。然而,未經親身體驗,我們往往未能真正理解土地的物質性(physicality)。就如沙漠的特性,本作品亦具備多個層次。在雕塑的詩意動作及物質性之下,埋藏著關於沙丘的科學資訊;這正是演出的層次。」卓嘉莉、馬嘉裕、Mubarak Marafa


Thank yous:

 “Thank you to my family for all the support. Thank you to my group mates for the good times. And of course I would like to thank Scott and CityU for making this possible.” Mubarak Marafa



Mubarak Marafa